CHECK BY PHONE: Call and speak to one of our account specialists to learn about Check by Phone payment.

PAYPAL Invoicing: Most loved way to pay
PAYPAL FINANCING: When you need to buy something, you don’t want to wait. With PayPal Credit, you can enjoy special financing offers like this one: No Payments + No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on purchases of $99 or more. Buying with the power to pay as you choose and still enjoying the security and reliability of PayPal…now that’s magic
How it works:
- Click the PayPal icon to be directed to the application.
- Fill out your application and you will know in a matter of minutes if you are approved for a line of credit and how much you are approved for.
- Let us know if you are approved and we will invoice you.
- Pay directly with your PayPal credit using the invoice sent.
- PayPal credit can be used on anything you purchase that takes PayPal as payment!.
- Have more questions? Call to speak to one of our account specialists.